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create a state with just enough power to serve them.

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It usually means that their rights - or at least their rights on the subject that the social contract deals with - are defined properly and because of that, can be protected in Court.

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Q: What happens to people's rights when they agree to the social contract?
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What happens to a government that does not protect the rights of the people?

The social contract is no longer valid.

According to Rousseau when individuals agree to the social contract what happens to their rights?

According to Rousseau, individuals agree to surrender some of their natural rights to a collective body in exchange for the protection and benefits provided by society. This surrender of rights is necessary for the establishment of a common good and the functioning of the social contract.

What is an agreement between citizens and rulers defining the rights and responsibilities of each group?

Social contract

How does the concept of natural rights fit into the social contract theory?

The concept of natural rights forms the foundation of social contract theory by positing that individuals possess inherent rights that precede and exist independently of any government. These rights, such as life, liberty, and property, are surrendered to a government through a social contract to secure protection and order in society. The social contract serves to protect and uphold these natural rights, providing a framework for a just and orderly society.

Which Enlightenment thinker argued that the people and their ruler are parties to a social contract that defines the rights and powers of each?

Jean-Jacques Rousseau argued in his work "The Social Contract" that the people and their ruler enter into a social contract where individuals agree to be governed in exchange for protection of their natural rights. This contract defines the rights and powers of both parties and emphasizes the idea of popular sovereignty.

What was social contract (purpose of government)?

The social contract theory proposes that individuals consent to be governed in exchange for protection of their rights and well-being. The purpose of government, according to the social contract, is to maintain order, protect individual rights, and promote the common good of society. Governments derive their legitimacy from the consent of the governed, as outlined in the social contract.

How does the concept of natural right fit into the social contract?

Through the natural right

King george broke the social contract?

King George broke the social contract with the colonists by neither respecting nor protecting their rights. John Locke, the philosopher, was influential in developing the concept of a social contract.

Did the English have rights before the social contract?

The rights of the English began with "Magna Carta" and the Common Law.

The excerpt most reflects which Enlightenment idea?

natural rights social contract

According to john Locke who does inalienable rights in a social contract belong to?

John Locke believes that inalienable rights in a social contract belong to the people. People need government but the government needs to do what is best for the people.

How does the concept of natural rights fit into the social contractual theory?

The concept of natural rights is central to social contract theory as it posits that individuals possess inherent rights that should be protected by society. These rights, such as life, liberty, and property, form the basis of the social contract, which outlines the mutual obligations between individuals and the government. The social contract theory argues that individuals agree to follow certain rules and give up some freedoms in exchange for the protection of their natural rights by the government.