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The social contract is no longer valid.

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Q: What happens to a government that does not protect the rights of the people?
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What happens if the government doesn't protect the people's rights?

The people can kick them out of office.

Who believe that people had rights to remove a government that didnt protect their rights?

who believe that people had rights to remove a government that didnt protect their rights

What is created to protect inalienable rights?

people created government to protect our rights

How does the government protect your rights?

they have certain laws to protect our rights such as people who commit crimes are prosecuted

How might the contract theory serve to protect the rights of the people?

Because it states that the purpose of government is to protect the rights of people & if the government cannot/will not do so, then the people should rebel.

When did John Locke think people should set up a new government?

John Locke believed that people should set up a new government when the existing government fails to protect their natural rights, namely life, liberty, and property. He argued that when a government violates these rights, people have the right to rebel and form a new government that will secure and protect their rights.

Why does the government pass laws?

to protect the people's natural rights.

What was enacted in 1791 to protect the American people from their government?

The Bill of Rights The Bill of Rights

How did the government?

Government was set up by the people to protect their rights as individuals and to keep order

Why is there a social contract between people and government?

If you are referring to the United States, there is social contact between people and government because of our Constitution. We have a democracy form of government in which the people are freely elected to hold office which gives us a voice in the government. We are free to voice our opinions and requests directly or indirectly by our votes.

What does Locke say can happen if a government fails to protect its rights of its people?

If any government abused these rights instead of protecting them then the people had the right to rebel and form a new government.

What does Locke say can happen if a government fails to protect the rights of its people?

If any government abused these rights instead of protecting them then the people had the right to rebel and form a new government.