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Q: What happens to scientific ideas that do not match the natural world?
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Because the tip of the match is burnt

What happens if a scientists observations do not match the scientific theory?

If observations don't match the theory, then either the theory or the experiment is wrong. Maybe a measuring device isn't sensitive or accurate enough. If the experiment is right, but results doesn't match theory, then it's time to come up with a new theoru that matches the experiment's results.

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I paint interior doors to match the trim, but everyone has their own ideas.

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What refers to preconceived ideas of what someone is like- that in turn leads the person to behave in ways that match them?

Stereotypes are preconceived ideas of what someone is like that can influence their behavior to match these expectations.

What is the scientific name or taxonomic classification of the Rose flower Mix' n' Match?

The scientific or taxonomic name would be Rosa'CHEWily'.

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Someone finds it and throws it into the rubbish bin because it has no match.

You want return money back of delhi cricket match?

Why not Everybody wants their money back of Delhi cricket match. Because no match happens their.

Is this decided before the match who will win or who will lose?

Yes it is decided beforehand who will win the match but it is up to the wrestlers to decide on what happens in the match moves etc.

What is the cost of match com?

There are several ideas about how much for the cost of match com. However, most people agree with the idea that the cost of match com is around 40 dollars per month.

What is the appropriate match color for champagne?

Any brown or burgundy are good ideas for this case.