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Q: What happens to the air in a container when it is in the fridge?
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Why is it that when a container as removed from a fridge there are droplets of water on the body of the container?

its due to condensation. When warm air meets cold.

How long will tzaziki stay in the fridge?

a couple days in an air tight container

In an air tight container how long will bacon last in the fridge?

Depends on when the was cut - not when it was put in the fridge. Bacon almost always comes with an expiry date. As long as the container is air tight, the expiry date is still valid.

What is the best way to store cheddar cheese?

Best kept between 4 and 10 degrees Celsius in an airtight container.

How long does cooked pasta with vegetables stay good in fridge?

Put it in an air tight container with a lid.

Where should a pumpkin pie be stored?

In a air tight container in the refrigerator or freezer.

What happens if you put plant into the fridge?

The air won't flow out at the moment but as it will contract it will burst out. :)

What happens to the air when you open a refrigerator door?

the air in a fridge when you open the door gets hotter because you let the particles out

What if volume of a container of air is reduced by one- half what happens to the partial pressure of oxygen within the container?

it doublesIf the mass of the air remains constant, the PPO2 doubles.

How does moisture get inside containers inside refrigerator?

The air in the container, as well as the food inside contains water or water vapor. As the temperature of the container as you put it into the fridge is hinger, the water in the food continues to evaporate, saturating the air in the container with water vapor. As the walls of the container cool down, the air inside the container comes into contact with the wall and is cooled to the point that the water vapor condensates. Eventually, the lid and the walls will have moisture on it.

Transferring flammable liquids by means of air pressure on the container or portable tanks is acceptable true or false?

It is true that transferring flammable liquids that air pressure is in the container. This happens n portable tanks.

Does the type of container affect the evaporation?

Evaporation only happens at the surface. So a wider container that allows for a greater surface to be in contact with air, the faster the evaporation.