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Not sure what you're trying to ask. However, typically when a parent who has main custody goes to jail, the other parent will take the child in, or even a family member.

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Certainly, but I urge you to obtain legal custody as soon as possible, so that you can manage the child's education and health care, among other things.

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14y ago

Arrangements have to be made for the child to live with another family member or they go into foster care/

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Q: What happens to the child when the custodial parent goes to jail?
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No, the custodial parent does not have to work to get their support. The support goes from the child's other biological parent.Ê

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Of course. Unless the non-custodial parent takes sole custody, the non-custodial parent is still responsible for paying child support to whomever the child goes to. There is no reason the death of a parent should terminate the other parent's child support obligation.

How does the IRS know who is the custodial parent?

Not applicable. It goes by the total amount of time the child spends with each parent. If the custodial parent does not have the child at least 51% of the time, they cannot claim the child. This is why the non-custodial parent needs to keep close track of the time in cases where the other parent has custody merely to get child support and the tax deduction, but has no real desire to care for the child. see link

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Yes. SSI is for the individual and is not intended to support her children, spouse, etc.

If the custodial parent is convicted of a crime and becomes incarcerated does the noncustodial parent automatically becomes the custodial parent - correct?

No, the child goes into the care of custodial parents relatives. A motion for emergency change of custody is required. see my profile.

What happens if the custodial parent stops working?

As concerns child support? That depends on the extras on the order. If child care is being paid, and is no longer needed, the child support payment goes down. see links below

What happens to a child in Ohio if legal custodial guardian has abandonded the child?

Depends who makes the first move. If it is the state, the child usually goes to foster care. However, in this economy, with short budgets, are are now more willing to contact the separated parent to take custody.

If a custodial parent moves out of state who is responsible for getting the child to the non custodial parent?

Both parents should split the cost or meet halfway in the interest of preserving the relationship of the child with the other parent. Also, there may be provisions for it in the divorce decree, but generally that agreement is reasonable for about 2 years because life goes on.

Sole custody and child support?

Sole custody is when only 1 parent has the right to choose where their child goes to school, which doctor they see, and what religion they partake in. Child support is the money that the non-custodial parent will pay to help support the child.

Is support enforced if the child goes into juvenile detention?

The non custodial parent is obligated to follow the terms of the child support order until the court amends or rescinds it. Arbitrarily ceasing support payments regardless of the circumstances might place the non custodial parent in a position of contempt of court.

Does a non custodial parent have to continue to pay child support if the child lives with the non custodial for a period of a year and the non custodial parent is almost 30 thousand dollars behind in?

The way it breaks down is for every month the child was with the custodial parent, that child had needs. those needs needed to be met and paid for by on of the parents, generally on a half and half basis. If the dues have been paid up until the point when the child moves into a non-custodial parents home, the laws become fuzzy, but still favor the custodial parent. Even if the child goes to live with the non-custodial parent while he/she still owes money for past due child support, he/she still must pay that as if it were a debt to a creditor. Even after the 18th birthday of the child, the "bill" still is a valid debt, and legal action may be taken if unpaid. I have known a man in his 70's paying past due child support on 3 of his children ages 40, 46, and 53.