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They are used to fund the church or to be donated. It depends on the church and how much money it has/makes.

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Q: What happens to the collections from the services in the Catholic churches?
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What happens when a Catholic couple marry in a Catholic church?

nothing. it just a ceremony.

What happens during the collection in mass?

Just after the Prayer of the Faithful, the collection is taken. Usually a basket or a plate or a bag is passed around and money is put into it by those who want to. The collection is often to support the parish, but often there are special collections for particular charities or organisations that have a connection to the Catholic church. Not all masses have collections and in some masses there may be more than one collection.

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a church, usually. They are often not as fancy as other churches or mosques, but its a church, all the same.

Can a collections agency outsourced their operation?

Sure it happens all the time,,, Its what the BPO industry in the Philippines is known for