

What happens to the ice while in the freezer?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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The molecules start to freeze and it becomes solid ice

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Q: What happens to the ice while in the freezer?
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It gives you a freezer burn

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It evaporates because the humidity in the freezer is so low.

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the temperature increases

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the temperatyre goes up

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you get a poopsicle

What happens when you put a bottle of water in the freezer?

The water will turn into ice so it will be like one giant ice cube.

When you take ice cream from your freezer and it melts what happens?

its a physical changes the particles in the ice cream do not move cause its a liquid

What happens when the ice goes out?

When ice is taken out of the freezer or the cold environment, it begins to melt. If the ice is keep out for an extended period of time will eventually turn into water. .

Should ice machines be put in a freezer or in a separate area?

Some ice machines are designed to fit into a freezer while other, often larger ice machines are designed to stand on their own. Some freezers come with ice machines pre-installed.

What will happen if you put a shaken up bottle of soda in the freezer for a while then take it out will it still explode?

umm it depends how long it is in the freezer and if it still not frozen it will explode but if you keep it in the freezer and it will turn to ice and it wont explode. umm it depends how long it is in the freezer and if it still not frozen it will explode but if you keep it in the freezer and it will turn to ice and it wont explode.