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The decomposers pass the minerals back into the soil

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Q: What happens to the minerals after decomposers consume dead organisms?
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Related questions

What happens to most organisms when they die?

They Decompose, or are fed on by other organisms, Mainly by decomposers.

What happens if you consume too much minerals?

The minerals could build up and form a kidney stone.

How are nutrients passed between the environment and organisms?

Nutrients are constantly being passed between organisms and the environment. This happens when decomposers break down the dead organisms putting it back in the soil.

What happens when decomposers feed on dead organisms?

The decomposer will decompose the dead organism into soil.

What happens to dead organisms and waste products?

When organisms die decomposers, decompose them and then they get stored back into the soil given as nutrients.

What happens to dead plants and animals?

It is recycled by organisms known as decomposers

What happens if there is too many nitrates and phosphates in water?

When there is too much phosphate in the water it causes algal blooms. When the decomposers try to break down the phosphate they use up all the oxygen, leaving none for the other organisms. when this happens all the organisms end up dying.

What must organisms do in a changing environment if they are to survive?

Organisms can cause changes in their environment to ensure survival in various ways. This happens through the various processes that cause organisms in different trophic levels to interact from producers to consumers and to decomposers.

What happens to carnivores when they die?

they are acted by decomposers

What is the job of a decomposers?

Some bacterias are decomposers, they break down wastes like dead/decoy organisms into food. They are important because some time on the ocean, oil spoil from ships happens, decomposer bacterias can clean up the mess.

What happens to the animal bodies after they are killed?

the decomposers act on them. :)

What happens to many of the dead ocean organisms?

Many dead ocean organisms sink to the ocean floor and become part of the sediment. There, they can be broken down by bacteria and other decomposers, or may become fossilized over time. Some dead organisms may also be consumed by scavengers and other organisms in the food chain.