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Whe you boil water, molecules of water "escape" into the atmosphere. The molecular structure of water is unaffected by boiling.

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Q: What happens to the molecules when you boil water do they boils off or stay behind?
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I'm trying to look that up too!! I wonder what happens, I'm gonna do that for my science project but my question is a tiny bit different it's: When water boils, what happens to molecules (for example sugar or salt) that are dissolved in the water? Do they boil off too, or do they stay behind?

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Steam is water molecules in vapor form

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Assuming they are non-volatile, solids in liquid water will remain in the water when it boils. This is the process of distillation, where the solids and non-volatile matter is separated from the water, and is left behind as the water evaporates off.

What happens when water boils and turns in to gas?

When matter is heated the molecules move faster and the speed becomes so great the molecules cannot hold together. The molecules fly apart and become a gas.

What happends to water molecules when they are heated?

IT BOILS, what kind of question is this?

What happens to oxygen when hydrogen is removed from h2o?

The oxygen atoms left behind from the water molecules join into diatomic oxygen molecules.

What happens to the bowl of water when it boils?

The water becomes a gas.

What happens when you boil seawater?

The water molecules evaporate and leave the salts and impurities behind as a solid.

What happens to the atoms in water when water boils?

The atoms speed up building up kenetic energy which forces them apart and that is what turns the liquid into a gas

What happens to water when you heat it to degree's Celsius?

It boils

What happens to water at 212 degrees Fahrenheit?

It boils

When water boils some of its molecules have enough what to overcome the attraction of neighboring molecules?

kinetic energy