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Going across a row in the peiodic table, the atoms have more protons and electrons causing a stronger attractive force, pulling the electrons closer to the nucleus, making the atomic radius decrease.

As a new shell is added ( next row down) the atomic radius increases

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13y ago

Respectfully, I disagree with the last answer. Yes, atomic size does increase as you move down the group but... and this is not obvious... it decreases as you move left to right across the period. True, at first glance you would not expect that. As you add protons as you move left to right within the given energy level, you also add electrons and the charges remain balanced. However, as each electron is added into the electron clouds surrounding the nucleus, they will have a distribution entirely surrounding the nucleus so that at any given moment, any one particular electron can be fully exposed to the positive nucleus. That last electron you put in will "see" several protons in the nucleus. So, the more protons you have, the smaller the atomic radius. As you go down the periodic chart (top to bottom), you increase by entire energy levels. Each level will be larger than the one above it.

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14y ago

I it increases. For example,

Hydrogen's atomic radii is 37

Lithium's atomic radii is 152

Sodium's atomic radii is 186 and so on

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13y ago

It goes up and down in a rather complicated pattern. I'm sure you were looking for something simpler, but something simpler would have the disadvantage of being wrong.

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It decreases

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Q: What happens to the size of atoms as the atomic number increases within a group?
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What is the process that results in the increase of atomic number?

The number of energy levels increase within a group. Therefor the atomic radius increases. So the atomic volume also increases.The atomic radius also increases in a group.For metals, reactivity increases down the group. For non-metals, reactivity decreases down a group.

Why does the atomic radius decrease with an increase in atomic numbers within a period?

As the atomic number increases, the number of protons in the nucleus increases or the effective nuclear charge of the nucleus increases. As a result the force exerted by the nucleus on the valence electrons is more or the size of the atom is small.

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The Atomic Mass usually increases, but there are a few exceptions, such as tellurium to iodine.

What is the atomic number of the element to the right of the periodic table?

The atomic number increases one-by-one stepping to the right (within a specific period) in the periodic table.

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sticking to increasing at no within group: more soft

What are the two variables that affect atomic size within a group?

Increase in positive charge draws electrons closer to the nucleus. Increase in the number of occupied orbitals shields electrons in the highest occupied energy level from the attraction of proteins in the nucleus.

Which of these describes atomic radii as one moves from top to bottom within a group?

The atomic radius increases from top to bottom within a group.

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The Rate of Fusion Increases

How does the atomic radius change from top to bottom in a group 1 and 2 in the periodic table?

Going down and to the left on the periodic table, atomic radius increases. Therefore, the smallest atomic radius is that of Helium (He), and the largest is that of Francium (Fr). Coincidentally, these are also the most and least reactive elements.

How does an atom get its atomic number?

An atom's atomic number is the number of protons within the single atom of an element