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The shadow zones get smaller

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Q: What happens to the size of the shadow zone as the diameter of the liquid core increases?
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What happens to P- and S- waves when they reach the center of the earth?

P waves travel much faster than S waves so they reach the core faster. They can travel through the outer core, but change direction slightly, causing a p-waves shadow zone. S waves cannot travel through the outer core because it is liquid and has zero rigidity so they are diverted around it causing a much larger shadow zone called the S wave shadow zone. Surface, or L waves cannot travel through the earth at all. P-waves are observed directly opposite to the epicentre of earthquake which states that the wave passing through the earth as a diameter has no effect on its path.

What is rain shadow and how does it effect the climate of the west?

The rain shadow effect happens by a mountain and on the leeward side (west side) has a warm and wet climate. The windward side (east side ) has a cool & dry climate.

What happens to seismic waves when they pass through the liquid outer core?

There are two types of waves. There are S waves (sheer waves) and P waves (compressional waves). The S waves won't travel through the outer core because it's a liquid, but the P waves will go through it and continue going through the inner core as well.

Why is s wave shadow zone larger than the p wave shadow zone?

In simple terms the shadow zone of the S-wave is larger because of the Earth's liquid outer core. The S-wave cannot travel through the liquid outer core but the P-waves get refracted at the boundary between the mantle and the outer core. This is why the S-wave shadow zone is larger than the P wave shadow zone. P waves are refracted at the liquid outer core of the Earth, while S waves are attenuated or stopped entirely. This allows P waves to go "around" the core and reach locations on the far side of the Earth that are within the shadow of the S waves. -- A P-wave is a longitudinal wave with an alternating stretching and compressing motion in the direction of propagation. An S wave is a transverse wave with a vertical motion perpendicular to the direction of propagation. The shadow zone of a P-wave exists from 105 to 143 degrees (epicentral distance). This is caused by P waves meeting the liquid outer core and being refracted. Part of the P wave is also reflected by the outer core and as a result of the two, a shadow zone exists. The shadow zone of an S-wave exists from 105 to 180 degrees (epicentral distance). S-waves cannot travel through liquids at all so rather than being refracted by the liquid outer core and traveling through it, they are totally reflected, resulting in a shadow zone from 105 to 180 degrees.

Which area of earth is unaffected by both p and s waves?

The Crust of the Earth

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