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Q: What happens to true airspeed as you climb?
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Can an f-16 gain airspeed in a vertical climb?

In an vertical climb it can only lose airspeed.

What is equivalent airspeed?

Equivalent airspeed is speed at sea level in which the incompressible dynamic pressure can be produces as if it were at true airspeed. Equivalent airspeed is used to predict aircraft handling.

What is True airspeed indicator?

It's an airspeed indicator that compensates for outside temperature and barometric pressure at altitude.

Does true airspeed increase with altitude?

Yes, it does.

What is the limitation of the airspeed indicator?

some V speeds are not indicated, It doesn't show true airspeed or ground speed.

What is the difference between true airspeed and groundspeed?

Airspeed is speed with respect to the air, i.e. speed through the air. Groundspeed is speed with respect to the ground, i.e. speed over the ground. It's the vector sum of airspeed and windspeed.

What could describe an airplane's velocity?

The main two useful velocity measurements are... 1. KTAS- Knots (True Airspeed) 2. KIAS- Knots (Indicated Airspeed)

How airspeed indicator function?

The airspeed indicator or airspeed gauge is an instrument used in an aircraft to display the airspeed in knots

What is an airspeed indicator?

An airspeed indicator is an aviation instrument which displays an aircraft's current airspeed.

What indicated airspeed should be selected for a particular altitude?

Basically, there are indicated, true and ground speeds. Indicated airspeed takes air pressure differences from a sensor, corrects for pressure altitude (altitude adjusted for barometric pressure) and for temperature to determine true airspeed (speed through the ocean of air). True airspeed is adjusted for winds to get ground speed. There are many factors to consider when selecting a particular air speed. For a particular airplane, fuel efficiency generally decreases with airspeed. Increased airspeed places more demands on piloting skills. If you know all the factors, you can determine the indicated of airspeed in the cockpit. Conversely, if the factors are known, ground speed can be determined from indicated airspeed. Winds aloft, which often change with altitude, are a bigger factor for small planes than for large commercial aircraft on a schedule. For fuel efficiency reasons, when experiencing a tailwind, use a lower indicated airspeed. Conversely, when in a headwind, use a higher airspeed. Either the benefits are greater or the penalty is not as severe when wind is considered. Look at it this way. You would like to stay in a tailwind to get that free push as long as possible, so, fly slower. Different airplanes have different fuel efficiency with airspeed characteristics so the optimum airspeed would vary with the airplane, the priorities of schedule, fuel efficiency and safety as well as weather conditions. Indicated airspeed decreases with altitude, so an altitude correction must be used to get the true airspeed as well as a temperature correction (it gets colder up there). They say speed is money. How fast do you want to go? So, it is a trade off among competing factors.

What is v2 airspeed?

It is the speed at which a plane can achieve sufficient lift to take-off and safely climb with one engine failed during take-off roll after v1.

What is the difference between best rate of climb and best angle of climb in an aircraft?

Best rate of climb speed, also known as Vy, is the speed which allows the best gain in altitude over a given time. You fly this airspeed when you want to gain altitude fast but you don't have any obstacle you need to avoid. Best angle of climb, also known as Vx, is the speed which allows best ramp climb performance. You gain the most altitude in the minimum distance. Usually this airspeed corresponds to 1,2 times the stall speed and we fly it when we need to clear obstacles. Vx is always bigger or, at the minimum, equal to Vy.