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If this diet has helped you lose weight (there is controversy over how good this diet really is nutritious-wise) then you either have to stick to that diet or another good one (I use) is Weight Watchers to maintain your weight loss. Keep exercising and drink 8 - 10 glasses of water a day (water flushes out impurities of the body, keeps those organs healthy and also replenishes water into your skin ... our body is 98% water.)

AnswerMany people who lose weight on Atkins unfortunately put it back on when they start eating carbs again. (To be fair, over 90% of people who lose weight on ANY plan put it back on, often gaining more. Depressing, isn't it?) In order to sustain the weight loss, you have to continue with a reduced carb eating plan, and focus on healthy carbs like fruit and vegetables, avoiding white bread, sugar and bakery products. In my own experience, after you go off Atkins you may find your appetite for all the carby treats has increased. AnswerMany people gain weight back after stopping a diet. Low carb diets can help speed up your metabolism for a period of time after you stop, which can help you keep the weight off a bit longer. If you continue to follow a somewhat carb-controlled, portion-controlled diet after you lose your desired weight, you may find that this works for you. If you use whole grains and skip that huge portion of mashed potatoes, pasta or rice you may have better success. Drinking plenty of water, participating in daily exercise, and eating a balanced diet is important.
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Q: What happens to you when you stop following the Atkins diet?
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Why is the Atkins diet not good for you?

It is not good for you because you lack carbohydrate in you diet. Also its easyer to put on weight once you have finished dieting. Because of the lack of carbohydrate your body begins to store any reserves it has of carbohydrate as soon as it gets any it stores this in the form of fat. Meaning as soon as you stop dieting you put on loads of weight because you have not been eating a nutritonal balanced diet.

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Could a low-carb diet cause you to have two periods in one month?

I would say most likely not. You should take a pregnancy test if you have been sexually active anytime in the last month. any kind of sudden change in your diet can make your period stop. stress can also make it stop. the irony is stress over missing your period can actually make a delayed period skip insted of being delayed. Once you rule out the chance of pregnancy or sickness its more than likely stress or a sudden diet change if your periods are usually normalI would worry too much as long as you have it next month. Its also normal to miss one for no reason at all. YES if your depriveing yourself to much or following the Atkins diet then it will make perfect sense. The Atkins diet is not good for you and it really can hurt your period I recommend stopping the Atkins Diet..

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Getting Fit By Cutting Carbs?

One of the most pronounced health problems for many in today's society has to do with too many carbohydrates. People stuff their faces with lots and lots of breads and other carb-loaded foods to the point where they have a hard time processing all of the contents. The body stores all of these carbs, so people end up getting fatter, heavier, and unhealthier as a direct result. For many of these people, the answer to getting healthier lies in reducing the number of carbs they take in. Many choose to do this by using the many Atkins Diet recipes on the market today.The joy of eating meatFor those people who are concerned that going on a diet might mean cutting out the meat, don't be afraid. One of the things that makes the Atkins Diet so popular is the fact that you don't really have to stop eating meat at all. In fact, it is encouraged and it's really just about the only thing you can eat. When you look up the various Atkins Diet recipes, you will see that many of them revolve around different kinds of lean meat. This allows your body to get the fuel it needs without all of the bad stuff that it will struggle to process.Adjusting to the breadless dietThough the Atkins Diet won't make you quit bread and pasta completely, it will cut those things out in large portion. This can be a huge adjustment for many people, especially if they are used to filling their faces with lots of starch. Understand that you will have to adjust to this diet and it is not something that will happen overnight. People who can successfully stick with the Atkins Diet through the difficult adjustment period are the ones who will reap the rewards at the end of the day. Remember this if you are struggling with the difficult prohibition on bread products in the early going.For people who love to chow down on meat, this is the perfect diet. There are hundreds of Atkins Diet recipes that will allow you to lose weight while staying happy.

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