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You die. The shadows conflict with the light and cause a chain reaction of spiraling Horror. DO NOT TRY AT HOME.

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Q: What happens to your eye when you are in the dark light and bright light?
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To function efficiently need bright light?

To function efficiently the eye needs bright light. For maximum efficiency the eye needs light to be at a wavelength of 0.555um. The eye can perform efficiently in the dark at a wavelength of 0.510um, but there is a weakness in color.

When a person enters a dark room from bright light he can not see anything clearly for sometime and starts seeing slowly because?

Your pupil's have to adjust from the light to the dark so your pupils will get bigger in a dark room.

What happened to it when the light was flashed into eye?

When the eye detects bright light, the iris expands causing the hole at its centre (the pupil) to shrink in size. The brighter the light the smaller the pupil becomes. This happens because, in a dark place, the eye needs to take in as much light as possible to see better so the pupil expands; in a light place, the eye could be damaged due to over exposure to light so the pupil shrinks. The scientific word for "shrinks" is "contracts"

What happens to your pupil when you enter a bright room after being in a dark room?

Your pupil expands in the dark in order to obtain more light. Your eyesight is interpreted by the brain with light signals, when it is dark your pupil expands to grab as much light as possible.

In a bright light the pupil in your eye will?

When exposed to a bright light, the pupil of the human eye will contract. This action allows less light to come in contact with the lens.

What is the Response of eye to bright light?

The iris controls the amount of light entering the eyes through pupil. When the surrounding is extremely bright, the iris contracts the size of pupil. This decreases the amount of light entering the eye. This is why when we are suddenly exposed to bright light, the eyes blink and in meanwhile, the iris contracts.

What does the iris of the human eye do when the light is bright?

The Iris controls the size of the pupil to control the brightness of the light that's allowed to enter the eye. This is a protective measure when the light is too bright and it also opens the iris in low light situations to allow the eye to see more. Well, the iris changes the size of the pupil so when you are in bright light your pupil will get smaller because the eye will absorb all light striking it. However, when you are in a dark room or place your pupil will get bigger/wider because it has no light to absorb it so your eye wants light. For example think of the pupil trying to look for light so it has to get wider!

What happens when igniting Mg ribbon?

It gives off a bright white light (glowing manner) that shouldn't be looked at with the naked eye.

What happens to the iris to allow less light to enter the eye?

The iris widens to allow as much light ad possible to enter

How do you pupils change in bright light?

The pupil is a little hole in the centre of your eye and when bright light hits the eye the little ring round the eye that can be different colours on different peoples eyes closes over to let les light in. that's why your pupil goes smaller in bright light and when its dark the ring ( iris ) opens wide to try and let more light in.

Which diagram do you think shows an eye in bright light?


How would you appply make up to bring out green eyes?

wear dark eye shadow if you have light eyes you should wear dark eye shadown and if you have dark eyes you should wear light eye shadow.