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Q: What happens to your pupils when you are in dim light why?
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Why can't you read in dim light?

You're pupils need enough light to dilate enough to read. So if you have a dim light your pupils aren't dilated enough to read properly.

Why pupils becomes bigger in Dim light?

To concentrate more light onto the retina.

What will make your pupils small?

When light come into your eye your pupils will get smaller. In a dim or dark room your pupils will enlarge to let in more light so you can see. Also some drugs will make your pupils smaller, or when your high they dilate.

What happens to both pupils when light enters?

Pupils "constrict" when light enters, and "dilate "when the lighting dims

Why do your pupils constrict?

Pupils constrict in response to bright light to reduce the amount of light entering the eye and protect the sensitive retina from potential damage. Conversely, pupils dilate in dim lighting conditions to allow more light into the eye for improved vision in low-light environments.

How do you get your eyes from being dilated?

Pupils dilate to allow more light into the eye in dim conditions, when there is more light the pupils will then contract.If your pupils are dilated because of drug use then there is nothing you can do except wait until the effects have worn off.

What reason will your pupils dilate at night?

When there is insufficient lights. Pupil will dilates so as to see better in dim light.

What happens if you have slow pupils?

If you have slow pupils it probably takes longer for you to adjust to the light and dark.

What happens when the pupils doesn't change size what happens if they remain large and why does they remain large?

Dilated pupils not responding to light occurs in deep coma and death. The iris doesn't contract, thus pupils fail to automatically respond to light.

What happens to an iris when exposed to bright light?

Your iris is a muscle that reacts to the conditions of light in the interior of the eye. When the interior of the eye is not receiving enough light it tells the iris to open to let in more light. So in very dim lighting conditions, your pupils get much larger as the iris opens.

What causes pupils to dilate?

light.. or if someones intrerested in you then that happens as an unconcious effect

What is similar between a camera and an eye?

the hole in the front of a camera can be made bigger or smaller to control how much light gets in. Your eyes work in a similar way. To much light can damage your eyes, so your pupils get smaller when it is very bright and in dim light your pupils get very bigger to let more light in