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it makes the virus hypotonic and it ruptures, making new viruses

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13y ago
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6y ago

It starts turning the cell in to a "Virus factory." The cell will make more duplicates viruses.

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11y ago

when a virus infects a cell...


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11y ago

when a virus infects a cell it starts using the mechanism of the cell to multiply rapidly and kills the host cell.

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10y ago

It can no longer stay alive and will bust and release all the viruses so that they can attack more cells.

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11y ago

nothing happend

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Q: What happens when a cell is full of a new virus?
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What happens when a cell is full of new virus's?

It becomes an active virus

How does a virus spread from one host to another?

First, the virus hijacks the cell and makes it become a virus-making factory. As new virus particles are created in the cell, eventually they fill the cell to the point of bursting open. When this happens, the particles are released where they can then each attach to and hijack a new cell, and the process repeats until your immune system creates the needed antibodies to stop the new viruses from being able to attach to and infect new cells.

How does a virus multiplied?

A virus injects its DNA into the host cell making it produce multiple copies of that DNA and multiple copies of the protein capsule of that virus. After a while, the host cell becomes full of many copies of that virus, then the host cell explodes releasing all the new viruses. If the host cell is a bacterium and the the virus is a bacterophage, this phenomenon is done in two ways either by the lytic cycle in which virus DNA survives and the bacterial cell is destroyed,or the lysogenic cycle in which virus DNA is incorporated in the host cell DNA.

How does a virus destroy a host cell?

It is actually the other way around. A virus destroys a host cell after it has make the replicants of the virus. The cell will split open (lyse) when full of new virions which then get released to infect other cells. Our immune systems can "destroy" a virus in a cell, but the cell itself does not do that. The immune system makes antibodies that fit the virus perfectly to block the way it would have attached to the cell to infect it. The antibody attaches to the virus to prevent its ability to attach to a cell. See the related question below about the lytic cycle for more details about virus "reproduction".

How does a virus destroys a cell?

It is actually the other way around. A virus destroys a host cell after it has make the replicants of the virus. The cell will split open (lyse) when full of new virions which then get released to infect other cells. Our immune systems can "destroy" a virus in a cell, but the cell itself does not do that. The immune system makes antibodies that fit the virus perfectly to block the way it would have attached to the cell to infect it. The antibody attaches to the virus to prevent its ability to attach to a cell. See the related question below about the lytic cycle for more details about virus "reproduction".

What happens during lytic cycle of a viral infection?

Simply put, the virus uses the host cell to make new viral parts.

What happens during the lytic cycle of the viral infection?

Simply put, the virus uses the host cell to make new viral parts.

What is active disease?

An "active virus" is when a virus enters a cell and is active, it causes the host cell to make new viruses. This process destroys the host cell. The steps are first, the virus attach's to a host cell. Second, the virus's hereditary material enters the host cell. Third, the virus's hereditary material causes the cell to make viral hereditary material and proteins. Fourth, new viruses from inside the host cell. Fifth, new viruses are released as the host cell bursts open and is destroyed. There are five steps on how a active virus functions inside a cell.

What are Viruses that immediately take over a cell's functions called?

A virus the immediately takes over a cell's functions is an active virus. An active virus causes the host cell to make new viruses, destroying the host cell.

In what cycle of viral replication does the virus destroy the host cell?

During the cycle of viral shedding, the virus has made copies of itself and the host cell is no longer useful. The host cell then dies, and the new virus cells then must find a new host.

What happens if a virus gets through a membrane?

The virus attempts to take over the host cell's DNA, and if successful, when the host cells divide via mitosis, instead of making copies of a healthy cell, the system produces new copies of the virus infected cell, which leads to an infection.

What do you call a cell that has been infected with a virus?

It is called a host cell. The virus attaches to the cell and injects its DNA into the cell. The virus's DNA overruns the "instructions" that the cell has and "tells" the cell to make copies of the virus using the DNA. Then the cell makes so many copies of the virus, that it explodes. The new viruses then go on to attach to other cells.