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An "active virus" is when a virus enters a cell and is active, it causes the host cell to make new viruses. This process destroys the host cell. The steps are first, the virus attach's to a host cell. Second, the virus's hereditary material enters the host cell. Third, the virus's hereditary material causes the cell to make viral hereditary material and proteins. Fourth, new viruses from inside the host cell. Fifth, new viruses are released as the host cell bursts open and is destroyed. There are five steps on how a active virus functions inside a cell.

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Q: What is active disease?
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How does an animal acquire an active immunity to disease?

Active immunity to a disease is acquired either through getting the disease or being vaccinated for it.

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Type of resistance that is acquired as a result of developing a disease?

Naturally acquired active immunity is the type of resistance that is acquired from developing a disease. Naturally acquired active immunity leaves the person immune from developing the disease again in the future.

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Lyme disease can be dormant for years and become an active infection due to high fever, stress or other health problems or conditions. Lyme disease that is active can be treated with antibiotics and become dormant.Lyme can be considered a "hidden" disease due to the fact that it can be in a dormant state for years.For more information about Lyme disease, go to and

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What are two ways in which active immunity can be acquired?

A person acquires active immunity when their own immune system produces antibodies in response to the presence of a pathogen. Active immunity can result from either getting the disease or being vaccinated.

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Active vaccination produces antibodies against the particular organism. These antibodies kill the invading pathogen and protect the body against the disease.

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Means that there are no signs of disease that can be seen on x-ray anyhow.

The type of resistance that develops as a result of developing a disease?

Naturally acquired active immunity

A person who has recovered from mumps is protected from contracting the disease by?

Active immunity.

How do you improve your immunity?

There are different types of immunity Non-specific and Speicific and the best is Innate which is inborn, acquired active after exposure to a disease like measles & mumps and by vaccination which is Artificially acquired active immunity which is the practice now to prevent from incurring a disease. There are different types of immunity Non-specific and Speicific and the best is Innate which is inborn, acquired active after exposure to a disease like measles & mumps and by vaccination which is Artificially acquired active immunity which is the practice now to prevent from incurring a disease.

How would you develop natural active immunity to chickenpox?

Natural active immunity to chickenpox is developed by being infected with chickenpox disease.