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It over stresses and would eventually break apart if it got fast enough. The equation for lift is lift= density of air * surface area of the wing* velocity^2. Lift is a force and all objects can only take a limited amount of force before they deform and weaken/fail.

If you look at the equation above, the speed of the aircraft has the biggest effect on the amount of lift. If you go too fast for the aircraft the wings will eventually have too much force on them that the joints that hold them to the body would fail causing the wings to fall off removing two of the most important components of flight. Lift and thrust resulting in the aircraft to fall out the sky. This will never be an issue on any airliner with the strict rules and regulations in-place to ensure this never occurs.
It depends on the type of aircraft and you might say the period of time it was built. During WW2, propellor aircraft could reach the speed of sound in a dive. Some aircraft would shake violently as the wings went through buffet as they were not designed for super-sonic flight. Also the propellor blade tips would vibrate and sometimes would lead to failure of the blade or engine mount. Most early jets would also buffet when it when through the sound barrier. Another possibility is that a part will break away due to buffet. This could be a flight control or a wing tip.

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