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Q: What happens when a police officer takes your driver license away?
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Can a police officer require you to take a driver licenses test if you already have a drivers license?

Yes they can but its dump.

What happens when a police officer checks your drivers license?

They call the license number into a computer system. This will check the driving record. It will also insure that it is a valid drivers license. the system will also check the license against any outstanding warrants to see if the driver is wanted for anything.

What happens if you lost your driver's license?

Many states require you to file a police report if your driver's license has been lost or stolen. It depends what state you live in... go to this website:

What does a cop need to ask for when he pulls you over for speeding?

A police officer doesn't have to ask you for anything. The officer generally asks for a driver's license and/or proof of insurance, but, by no means is that a requirement.

What exactly is a DUI checkpoint?

A DUI (Driving Under the Influence) checkpoint is a specific location a police officer will assess driver's alcohol consumption. So as a driver approaches a checkpoint, the police officer will first observe your behavior and search for signs of alcohol consumption. If the police officer finds a driver to be intoxicated, the police officer will conduct a series of assessments regarding to the driver's abilities in coordination.

What is the type of check police run with a driver's license?

To see if you have any outstanding warrants, and if your driver's license is current.

Can you get arrested because police know you have no license?

It is not a crime to not have a driver's license. but if the police see you operating a motor vehicle and know that you have no license, then they can arrest you.

What happens if you refuse to give a breathe or blood specimen to a police officer?

You can lose your license. Most jurisdictions run an implied consent in order to have a license, which means you lose it if you don't comply.

Impersonating a police officer on the phone?

What happens if u impersonate a police officer over the phone

What happens to illegals once found?

They are given free housing, a driver's license and food stamps and a gun so they can kill American police.

Can a police officer do a you turn and follow you after you are polite and nod your head at him as a hello then have him follow you 4 blocks to say you dont look like you have a license?

Yes. Driving on public roads isn't a right, it's a privilege that has to be earned by getting a driver's license. So Police has the right to stop anyone to check if they have a license or not.