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It warms up. The USDA claims eggs lose seven days of freshness for each day it remain un-refrigerated. Many cultures do not have refrigeration yet they collect, sell and eat eggs. Eggs should be used within a few days if left out on the counter but for a day, just put it back in your fridge.

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Q: What happens when an egg sits out of the refrigerator for a day?
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1 day

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How long will a raw egg last sitting out of refrigerator?

Eggs left warm will age in one day what it would take 7 days in refrigerator to do. If an egg smells fine, the color is normal, and the yolk is still intact, then the aging process has not destroyed it.

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Why does a mother hen sits on an egg?

A mother hen sits on the egg for two reasons as far as I know. Firstly and mainly it sits on the egg to warm them since to obtain the best result the egg need a temperature of 100 Fahrenheit (37 degrees Celsius). I'm not sure about this but I think the second reason is to protect the egg. I remember when I was younger and I used to try to take the egg from the hen it would go nuts at me (my grandfather had chickens).