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Q: What happens when gummy bear is left in water and baking soda?
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Is a gummy bear burning a chemical change?

Yes because once it is burned, it cannot be reversed. The gummy bear becomes two different elements, as burning is the reaction with oxygen.

What happens to chemical energy in a blackberrie as it is eaten by a bear?

The blackberry is decomposed and its chemical energy is used for energy in the bear.

What are the Microorganisms that live in pond water?

Pedo bear

What happens to a bear when high tide comes in?

They eat all of the food they can get. They also hide

Is the water bear extinct?

Well, the water bear may be extinct. They look pretty historic to me. From my perspective, they don't even look real. The only way you'd know that they're real is if you actually saw one. So I think that the water bear is extinct.

Related questions

What happens when you put gummy bears in sugar water?

When you put a gummy bear in tap water it grows.

Will a gummy bear shrink in salt water?

That sounds like an excellent science project question ... you should get a glass of salt water and put a gummy bear in it and see what happens!

What happens if you put a gummy bear in lemonade?

when you put a gummy bear in apple juice the gummy bear will float.

What would happen if soaked a gummy bear in water?

The gummy bear would get smaller and shrink because the salt absorbs the water in the gummy bear

What happens to a gummy bear if you keep it in water overnight?

The gummy bear has substances that are:glucose, starch, and gelatin. All these substances absorb water. However, they all absorb water, the starch and gelatin are prevented from dissolving in water. So the water swells the gummy bear rather than dissolves it. In simpler words the gummy bear expands or grows alot larger

What happens if you put a gummy bear in sugar water?

it will contain much more calories + a higher content of fat :] um, really nothing. the gummy bear would get stuck in the corn syrup.. harden & lose flavor as you lose you're teeth biting into it. all in all, that's pretty gross :]

what happens when you put gummy bear in apple juice?

It will expand

What happens if you put a gummy bear in vinegar?

if you leave the gummy bears vinegar for 1 day the color get mixed up togeter and the gummy bear dissolve. if you put gummy bear in vinegar for two to three days the gummy bear dissapear

What gummy bear absorbs more water?

Gummy bears are all made out of the same thing corn syrup, water, sugar, coloring, and Gelatin. The gelatin in the gummy bear acts like a sponge and makes the gummy bears absorb water. If you place gummy bears in water they all will swell over time.

What color would the gummy bear in the water be?


How much water is in a gummy bear?

The size is almost the same volume of a kidney bean. The volume is about 0.75 cm cubed.

What kinds of liquid can gummy bears absorb?

Gummy bears are all made out of the same thing corn syrup, water, sugar, coloring, and gelatin. The gelatin in the gummy bear acts like a sponge and makes the gummy bears absorb water. If you place gummy bears in water they all will swell over time.