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When heat is added to an atom, its electrons gain energy and move to higher energy levels, causing the atom to become excited. When electrical energy is added, it can either cause the atom to gain or lose electrons, leading to the formation of ions. Both processes can result in changes to the atom's chemical properties.

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Q: What happens when heat or electrical energy is added to an atom?
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the atom becomes negatively charged

What happens to atoms when energy is added?

When energy is added to an atom, the electrons move to outer levels of the shell. When they drop back down, they release the energy in the form of photons.

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when an electron is added to an atom, the atom will acquire a negative charge.

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It becomes an anion.

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If an atom loosed electrons then it becomes an ion. The electrical charge in the atom becomes a positive ion.

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Electrical energy is the energy generally stored in electrons and their movement. Nuclear energy is the energy stored with an atom. Electrons are a fundamental part of most atoms, thus nuclear energy also contains direct electrical energy.

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When an electron jumps from one atom to another, it creates an electrical current. This movement of electrons is what we commonly refer to as electricity. The direction of the movement of these electrons determines the flow of the current.

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This is called an ion.

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more electrons than an atom in the ground state

What atom's energy change is when an electron is added to an atom?

The energy change that occurs when an electron is added to a gaseous atom is called the electron affinitybecause it measures the attraction, or affinity, of the atom for the added electron.The ionization energy measures the energy changes associated with removing electrons from an atom to form positively charged ions.

What is required to have electrical energy present?

Displaced electrons. Basically, when there is no electrical energy, you have electrons in orbitals around the nucleus of an atom, but when sufficient energy is put into the atom, the electron is lifted into an orbital higher than it normally is, and in certain metals, it can actually leave the specific atom when it does this and travel across others, producing an electric current.