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There is a product called "kitten milk replacement"(KMR), and if you use it, there being no guarantees, the baby hamsters could live.

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Q: What happens when the mother hamster dies with the new born hamster being 5 days old?
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What happens if you touch a new bornn baby hamster?

Its not advised to touch a new born baby hamster as the mother can be very protective.

Does a mother hamster have to feed their baby?

Yes they do. A mother hamster usually feeds the puppies for two weeks after they are born.

What mother have to eat to born a baby very fair?

Hamster food...

What happen if the mother eat her new born baby hamster?

it willcome out the other end

Is a hamster baby born in a hamster stomach or budy?

Nothing is made in a mothers stomach. Do you mean womb? A baby hamster is made in the mother hamsters womb, and then born. This proccess is the same with all mammals (apart from duckbilled platypus) including humans.

What happens to a baby in the womb if the mother is addicted to herion?

therefore the baby may suffer from some side effects such as being born underweight

Can you put a preagnent hamster in water a make the babies come out?

No, do not do that, it will kill the babies and distress the mother hamster. The babies will be born when they are ready. If you think there is something wrong with your hamster please take it to see an animal doctor (A Vet) to get it help.

What would a mother hamster do if you pick her up after her babies were born?

it depends on what hamster you have, your supposed to leave them for at least a week, but i touched them the day they were born and the mother was fine, all you can do is leave the cage door open once you've placed the baby back and see the mothers reaction, keep a small wooden chewing stick handy to distract the mother if she tries to attack, if this happens remove the baby and go to the vets so they can help you keep the baby alive as you will have to feed it until its old enough for solids

When new baby hamsters a born do you have to wait until there eyes are open to touch them or now?

yes you can touch the baby hamsters just dont let the mom hamster see you touching them distract the mother by giving it a meaty treat if the mother cacthes you touching her babys then you will not be able to put back baby hamster it will get eaten if you see the mother hamster biting the baby its not biting its just trying to move the baby hamster it cant move the baby by pushing it

What do you feed a new born robo hamster if you cant touch it?

you don't touch the hamster.. just let the mom do the work and they will be fine... just make sure that the mother had plenty of water and dry food

What are the consequences if a mother takes her new born child from the hospital without being discharged?

If something happens to the baby or the mother, as in getting ill, the hospital are not to blame and have no responsibility. In that case the mother could also face problems wiht her insurance company.

What is hamster rearing?

Hamster rearing means to raise hamsters from when they are born.