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Q: What happens when the third phosphate is removed from the ATP?
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What happens to an ATP molecule when phosphate is removed?

it becomes ADP. ATP is adenosine triphosphate, while ADP is adenosine diphosphate.

When is energy released from ATP?

( a phosphate group is removed.) when the chemical bond between the second and third phosphate groups is broken, creating adenosine diphosphate, a phosphate group, and releasing energy.

When is the energy stored in ATP released?

The energy stored in ATP can be released by breaking the bond between the second and third phosphate groups. Therefore, the energy is released when a phosphate group is removed.

Energy released from ATP when what is removed?


What atoms have to be removed to make the ATP molecule?

No atom is removed but phosphate is added in ADP to form ATP.

What does ATP provide?

ATP provides energy for a cell by storing energy in the bond between the second and third phosphate group. ATP really wants to get rid of the third phosphate group. When a cell needs energy it breaks the weak bond between the two phosphates and work is done.

Through which of the following processes is energy released in the form of ATP?

ATP has 3 phosphate groups and when the bond between the second and third phosphate groups is broken energy is released. Usually this breaking of the third bond happens when ATP reacts with water

What is removed when ATP is hydrolyzed to ADP?

A phosphate molecule

What is left when a phosphate group is removed from an ATP?


When is ATP releases energy?

when a phosphate group is removed

What does ATP change into when the third P-bond is broken?

ATP is broken into ADP.Adenosine Tri Phosphate into Adenosine Di Phosphate.

Is used ATP discarded?

No, when ATP is used, the bond between the second and third phosphate bonds are broken, forming ADP and a phosphate group, which can then reform into ATP.