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There are smaller babies!

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Q: What happens when twins are formed from one embryo?
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Why are twins formed in one embryo?

Identical twins are sometimes formed when one egg after being fertilized by one sperm, divides into two halves.

Can two human embryo come from one egg?

Yes they are identical twins.

How do you get identical and non identical twins?

Identical twins are formed when one fertilized eggs splits. Non-identical twins are formed when two separate eggs are fertilized.

What is meant by a single intrauterine gestational sac note means?

I believe it means that they have only seen one sac--as in one embryo...not twins.

How identical twins are form?

A fertilized egg splits in two- Apex

Is it possible to have unintentional twins after an IVF treatment?

Yes, it is. In many situations 2 embryo's will be transferred back into the mother's womb to double the chances of one or either actually hatching, though I suppose when you make that decision with your fertility specialist you will be aware of the chance both embryo's will hatch and you're willing to accept the risk (and joy!) of having twins. However even if only one embryo is transferred back, it can still split itself up resulting in identical or monozygotic twins. Rare, but possible!

What happens in the reproduction of the embryo on day one?

The cell begins Meiosis or cell division.

How do you know what kind of twins are when one is a girl and one is a boy?

Different gender twins will automatically be fraternal, meaning they are both from separate eggs and separate sperm. Identical twins are formed from the splitting of one fertilized egg.

How are identical twins created or formed?

There are two way twins are formed. Twins can form by two eggs being released by the female and the sperm will fertilize both eggs. The other way twins can be formed is if one fertilized egg divides and forms two eggs.

In the giver by Lois Lowry what happens at the ceremony of two?

This is when twins are debated on which one will be chosen. Later Jonas's father will kill one of the other twins.

What is the genetic difference between identical and non identical twins?

Identical twins are formed by the separation of the same embryo containing same genetic coding. thus the the twins are identical as formed from the same embryo. But this is not the case in the non-identical twins as they are formed from the individual embro each having different genetic coding.

What is a another name for zygote?

One would think it's embryo but a zygote is not a embryo yet, it is the early stage of what will become a embryo. Zygote is the word used and you can use the word cell since a zygote is the initial cell formed after a sperm and egg have joined. After 1 week it has transformed into a embryo.