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you dont have any energy

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Q: What happens when you a piece of your hair turns silver?
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What happens to hair cells in the elderly?

They die and that's why their hair usually turns white or grey

What happens when you grow?

When you get older, your hair turns colors and you might get taller.

What happens when you grow old?

When you get older, your hair turns colors and you might get taller.

Why does inuyasha's hair change color?

His hair color changes because he turns human, which happens on the new moon of every month

Why is inuyasha's hair white?

He was born with It and his dad had white hair

Why does your hair gray when you get older?

Each hair follicle contains a certain number of pigment cells. As we age the pigment cells in the hair follicles gradually die and the hair turns gray, silver, or white.

Why does a hair dryer turn off when the switch is moved to off?

The hair dryer turns off because depending on the hair dryer, the connection is broken by moving a piece out of the way to stop the connection to the electricity.

What happens to a piece of hair when you bleach it?

when your hair is bleached it means they put a mixture in your hair and then your hair is stained a very light blonde color. then the hair dresser normally puts in a darker/lighter color!

What happens if you use hair bleach on clothes?

It turns the clothing white and us permanent and won't come out EVER

What happens if you put peroxide in your hair?

if you get peroxide in your hair it will change color. if your hair is blond it will turn silver if its brown it will turn red if its red it will turn blond if its black it will turn brownish red if its jet black it will turn grey

What happens when you eat a piece of hair?

if u eat a lot u might choke but like one piece nothing but having a itchy throat

Who wears a hair piece?

hair piece hodge..