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You spontaneously grow gills and then that works.

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Q: What happens when you cannot expel carbon dioxide from your lungs?
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What is the gas exchange between humans and plants?

Plants take in Carbon Dioxide and expel Oxygen as a by-product of cellular respiration. Animals take in Oxygen and expel Carbon Dioxide as a by-product of cellular respiration.

What is lung function?

They take in oxygen, and expel Carbon dioxide as a waste product.

What gas do all animals expel from their lungs during respiration?

Carbon Dioxide

Where does air go after you breath it in?

It's taken into the lungs, where the alveoli absorb oxygen and expel carbon dioxide. When you breathe out, the carbon dioxide dissipates into the atmophere.

How is carbon dioxide formed in quick bread?

Carbon dioxide is the result of the reaction between the yeast compounds and the gluten. The heat process causes the compounds to expel the carbon dioxide, which expands more than the oxygen in the bread.

What are the function of root and leaf?

The roots take in water and food - the leaves expel carbon dioxide.

How does a butterfly respire?

Spiracles are the mechanism through which butterflies take in oxygen and expel carbon dioxide

A collection of organs hose primary function is to take in oxygen and expel carbon dioxide?

the answer is a vein

Importance of oxygen to plants?

Plants expel oxygen as a byproduct of photosynthesis. This process takes carbon dioxide and breaks it into carbon and oxygen.

What gas do you expel when you inhale?

You do not expel any gas when inhaling. Inhaling is the act of taking air in, if you mean when exhaling (breathing out) then carbon dioxide (aka CO2)

How do cows help photosynthesis in plants?

Just like you the expel a lot of carbon dioxide due to respiration.