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12y ago

your pee starts to turn a deep yellow and you get cramps after short amount of energy exertion

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Q: What happens when you don't have enough vitamin a?
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What happens if you dont get enough Vitamin A?

if you dont get enough vitamin A your eyes will start to hurt and poor night vision.

What happens if you dont get enough vitamin d?

you get a range of symptons

What happens when you dont get enough vitamin c?

Scurvy, among other health problems.

What is happens if you dont have enough vitamin c?

Over time your bones will become fragile.

What happens if you dont get enough vitamin B?

your blood and nerves will become unhealthy.

What happens if you have not enough vitamin k?

You die

What happens if you dont get enough vitamin c?

if you don't get enough vitiman c you could get osteoperosis You get scurvy (bleeding gums, bruising, tender skin)

What happens if you don't get enough of vitamin B5?

you die

What happens if you dont eat vitamin A?

you will have a risk of a heart attack

What happens if you don't get enough vitamin b group?

you died

What is a disease that happens if you don't get enough vitamin C?

Scurvy is a condition characterized by a lack of vitamin C.

If you dont get enough of what vitamin do you get Beri Beri?

Vitamin B-1 (Thiamine or Thiamin, both spellings are acceptable).