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It kinda hurts at first, most of the time for about a week. You can take pain killing medicen and it will help a lot. You should eat soft food. Don't worry you'll get used to it in little time. I know I got them on about 2 years ago, that's what happened to me. I hope that helped! :)

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12y ago
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12y ago

they take an hour roughly to go on and its not fun having two sets of hands in your mouth and lots of weird machines and stuff.

*indescribable pain on a monthly bases you can't prepare yourself for in day to day living.

*you've got them on a lot longer if you're 15 or 16 than say 12... softer bones or whatever.

*you go for monthly visits and after the first 6-12 tightening appointments you'll be lucky to chew bubble gum like dentine ice.... after those 12 lets say you'll be fine.

*after the first week of every month you can eat everything and its like their not there really although you see them and they are there when you move your tongue around.

*finally... when their off is the pain over? absolutely not! your teeth always move and shift, if you don't wear a retainer you'll be in the worst pain ever where nothing seems to help, the stuff for toothaches, alcohol if you're older doesn't and Tylenol only gets rid of some of the pain.

think of it as this generations Cosette belts , the teeth don't want to go straight and should never be forced. I tell everyone NEVER to get braces.

**Edit by someone with a brain**

When I got my braces, (7 months ago. 11 more months. XD) they went in, put a piece of rubber in my mouth to keep it open, and put tooth cement or whatever it is on it. They then fastened the brackets on and cured the cement, and strung the wire through and put some bands on. They told me to not eat a LONGlist full of stuff and to only chew sugarless gum, but since I got them on, I have had one toothache and have eaten everything they told me not to, and have yet to have a bracket pop off. Springs, on the other hand, I cannot seem to keep on, but oh well. Yes, they hurt really bad, but only that first night. DO NOT MAKE THE SAME MISTAKE I DID. You DO NOT want to go to work/school the next day if your teeth kept you up all night. Once you get them on, you totally forget about them until you brush your teeth or get them tightened. When they are being tightened, they just take the bands off, take the wire out, and put a new wire in and secure it with new bands. Doesn't hurt at all. By the time you are halfway finished with the braces, every orthodontist and nurse in the building will know you. Lol. But all in all, they aren't bad.

One BIG problem that can happen though is if one of your brackets falls off or becomes really loose. Then your teeth can't grow properly, of course if you didn't get the bracket re-glued. Today is a Saturday and one of mine JUST broke! So I'm gonna have to wait until MONDAY( When my orthodontist is open ) to get it fixed and re-glued ( I really hope they don't shift until then!!!) Good luck with your new braces, and I hope this doesn't happen to you (But it's quite simple to fix if this occurs.)


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Q: What happens when you get braces?
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What happens if you kiss someone who has braces and you have braces too?

Hey, Nothing Happens It Is Just Like Normal :) Dr E

What happens when someone with braces dies?

It would most likely be taken off. I am not completely sure. But I think that is what happens.

What happens when you get your braces on?

they hurt very much at first but you have to get used to them for a couple of days

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They do make lone peice vampire for your top and bottom teeth. They are rather cheep and should work with braces.

What happens if you smoke while wearing braces?

Yes you can smoke with braces. It's probably not the greatest idea, but you can do it. My best friend has braces and smokes like a maniac.

How much does it cost to get braces?

Your provider will probably have to get prior approval for the braces from the Medicaid agency. Once that happens, the braces should cost you little or nothing. (Of course, this answer will be different if you have a spend-down.)

What happens when people with braces kiss?

well i have braces and when i kiss someone they don't get stuck in someones mouth. if your having a super slimey tongue kiss they are most likely to get stuck that way i know someone that had braces and at school she made out with a guy who also had braces, their braces got stuck and they had to be sent to the nurse's office to get detached from each other. :)(: it was hilarious!!

What happens if you wear your outer braces for more than 14 hours a day?

nothing really!

What happens if you get braces and you think your boyfriend will breakup with you?

If he does break up with you he isn't worth it. He didn't really like you anyway. He just wanted to get some. But to get him back you can bite him and make sure the braces cut.

What happens when two peopole that have ortadontic braces kiss?

Well the results may not be that fun. It MAY get stuck and your two braces would get attached. I imagine it wouldn't be fun to UN-attach them, huh?

What happens if you don't wear your retainer?

If you don't wear your retainer, then your teeth will stick out and you have to wear braces again.

What happens if dentist leaves wedge in between teeth?

you should complain immediately. my friend's dentist did that and she had to get braces.