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Q: What happens when you mix soap and bicarb?
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What happens when you mix bicarb soda water and acid together?

Carbon dioxide gas will escape: HCO3- + H+ --> H2O + CO2

What happens to soap in water?

It separates and doesn't mix together. The soap sits at the top of the soft water. Soft water doesn't have that much minerals in it so it doesn't mix with the soap.

What happens when soap and hydrogen dioxide mixes with yeast?

When they mix, they form an oxygen gas.

What happens when you mix gas and soap?

It's a possibility that your car may not start correctly.

Does soap mix with food coloring?

Soap does mix with food colouring and in stains.

What happens when you mix hand sanitizer and soap?

You will get anti-bacterial soap in the end really. Hand sanitizer will kill bacteria, and soap will wash off dirt and oils

Can you mix hand soap and hand soap?

you can but then you'd get hand soap

What new material appears in American pancake mix during cooking?

I'm pretty sure it's bicarb

What are the steps to make malunggay soap?

just mix the extracts to the soap

How do you dissolve soap?

Mix it with water

What can you do that is fun with fire?

Mix Bicarb soda with vinegar then just straight after you put the vinegar in the bicarb soda put a candle over the cup. The flame goes out! AMAZING! It went out cuz the bicarb and the vinegar makes carbon dioxide which has little oxygen and fire needs oxygen so the fire goes out. WARNING: If your house goes into flames don't go up to it with your little plastic cup and put the bicarb and the vinegar mixture on the flames. lol

What happens when paint thinner is mixed with soap and water What effects does it produce?

Paint thinner and water do not readily mix. Adding soap will make the thinner soluble in water. The resulting mixture will have an increased consistency and reduced vaporization.