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Java performs an implicit conversion to a unifying type.

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Q: What happens when you perform arithmetic operations mixing different types of variables in java programming?
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Related questions

Is algebra arithmetic?

No, algebra is not arithmetic. While both algebra and arithmetic involve numbers and mathematical operations, algebra is a branch of mathematics that goes beyond the basic arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) to include variables, equations, and abstract mathematical concepts.

How many types of operators?

The different types of operators are: Assignment operator- This is used to assign values to variables. Ex: = Arithmetic Operators - These are used to perform arithmetic operations. Ex: +, -, *, /, % Logical Operators - These are used to perform logical checks like: I < 10 or x == Y etc.

How do you find the value of a numeric expression?

If you know the value of any variables, replace them. Then carry out all the arithmetic operations following the rules (BIDMAS/PEMDAS).

What do algebraic expression contains?

Constants (numbers), variables, the four basic operations of arithmetic (+, -, *, /) as well as brackets and indices (including negative and fractional ones).

How do you evaluate an expression when given values for the variables?

You replace each variable by its value. Then you do the indicated calculations.

What are variables in programming?

In computer programming, variables refer to a particular location in the memory that holds a value. Variables are equivalent to their assigned values.

What does an arithmetic variable look like?

in arithmetic,variables look like

Is internet programming really different from other programming paradigms?

By definition, each "programming paradigm" is different from every other one, but they all share some common features and attributes. Most have at least a lexicon, syntax rules, and variables.

What is combination of operations on variables and numbers called?

the order of operations

What are the different symbol in mathematics?

There are loads of them. The ten numerals: 0, 1, 2, 3, ... 9. Letters of the Roman and Greek alphabets are used to represent variables or parameters in algebra or statistics as well as geometric forms. +, -, * and / are the symbols for basic arithmetic operations but there are symbols for summations, differentiation, integration.

What type of linear programming can be found by graphical methods?

A linear programming question with two variables. Problems with three can be solved if there is a constraint that reduces them to effectively two variables. Linear programming with 3 variables, using 3-d graphs is possible but not recommended.

In arithmetic variables look like what?

In arithmetic, letters used to represent unknown numbers are called variables. Variables are usually represented by letters (x, y, z) or (a, b, c), or may be followed by subscript numbers or letters. If you are here for apex the answer is boxes