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Q: What happens when you put a balloon in the hot car?
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What happens if you put a balloon in hot air?

it pops

What happens when you fill hot water in a balloon and put it in a jar filled with water?

it sinks

How does temperature affect helium?

temperature affects helium for example, if you put a balloon in a hot car it will pop

What will stop your balloon car?

You have a balloon car? Heh. Put your foot in front of it.

What happens when you put hot air into the balloon?

In hot air, particles are moving faster due to the increase in heat. This makes hot air lighter than cold air so the hot air will rise. When you put hot air into a balloon, the hot air will try and rise to the top. This allows the balloon to float in the air. Eventually the air will cool and sink back down which is why it's important to continuously pump hot air into the balloon to keep it up. Hope this helps! :)

What happens of you put plaster on a water balloon?

If you put plaster over a water balloon and freeze it, the water balloon will bulge out.

If I put balloons in the hot car is there any way to decrease the chance of them popping?

As the temperature of the air in the balloon increases, it expands causing the balloon to stretch and eventually pop. The only ways to prevent the balloons from popping in the hot car would be to either put less air in them or find a way to make sure they don't get too hot by maybe putting them in the trunk out of direct sunlight.

What happens when you fill a balloon with steam then put it in the refrigerator?

The balloon will contract.

What happens when you put a balloon full of water in the freezer?

It Freezes ! :P

What happens to a balloon's pressure when put into the fridge?

it dies

What makes a hot air balloon go up?

ahhh hot air?? hot air rissies sooo when you put hot air nto a balloon it evenually rises

How do you made a hot air balloon?

paper and hot air with a bag put a basket with it