

What makes a hot air balloon go up?

Updated: 9/11/2023
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12y ago

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ahhh hot air?? hot air rissies sooo when you put hot air nto a balloon it evenually rises

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Q: What makes a hot air balloon go up?
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What helps a hot air balloon go higher?

Hot air makes the balloon go higher. That's why it's called a hot air balloon

What makes the hot air balloon go up and down?

The hot air from the fire pushes the balloon up, and putting out the fire makes it go down again :)

How does heat make a hot air balloon go up?

Hot air rises. By heating the cool air in the balloon using a propane heater, heats the air and makes the balloon rise

Why is a hot air balloon a good example of convection?

the hot air from the heater rises forcing the cooler air out. this makes the balloon go up. this is convection

How does a hot air balloon go in the air?

Well it has a gas fueled flame and the flames heat makes the balloon part fill up with hot air. Hot air rises so the hot air balloon will float into the sky like a helium balloon would.

What makes the air balloon go up and move in the sky?

There is hot air to make it fly and there are weights to stear it.

How does a hot air balloon go up and down?

Heat rises of it makes the ballon rises

Who is a traveler in a hot-air balloon?

Anyone can go on a hot air balloon, but there needs to be a driver to lead it.

What do you need to go hot air ballooning?

a hot air balloon

Why aren't hot-air balloon flights scheduled on hot days?

Because the hot air balloon will keep on going up because the hotter the air gets the higher the hot air balloon will go!

What make a hotair balloon go up?

Hot air goes into the balloon. sense the air is so hot, it pushes the balloon off the ground and floats in the air!

In what temperatures can you fly a hot air-balloon?

hot air balloons work the best in cold temperature. the reason why is because if the outside temperature is close to the temperature in the hot air balloon, it will be as if the flame isn't on. if it is cold outside, the flame makes a much bigger impact and the balloon will go up faster.