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Q: What happens when you sweat after drinking energy drinks?
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Could drinking other beverages after drinking alcohol speed up the removal of alcohol in the body?

Drink lots of water, sweat it out by going to the sauna and / or excercising while wearing a sweat suit, constantly drink fluids like water and sports drinks.

Does evaporation take on or give off energy?

Moisture needs to take in energy to evaporate. That's why your skin feels cooled when it happens to sweat on your skin.

Why is it recommended to drink sports drinks after exercising?

If sports drink include water and Gatorade then it's to replenish the nutrients and water lost during the exercise.

Do sweat jackets help you lose weight?

No. Not eating junk food or drinking soft drinks help you lose weight. According to the TV show The Doctors a group of people just quit drinking soft drinks and lost 30-40 pounds. Getting excerise also will help you. Watch what you eat and turn off the TV/computer will do it.

Which phase change causes cold drinks to sweat?


Can you get aids from swapping sweat?

Only if you're drinking it.

What happens when you get hot?

You sweat.

What happens when you exercise and sweat an d you don't dry off the sweat?

When you exercise and you don't drie off the sweat nothing Happens i think your sweat eventually evaporates .. its not bad or anything but if you don't sweat at all that's bad .!

Does drinking make you sweat?

yes,it keeps u hydrated

How do you control sweat?

You stay in a cold area and eat cold drinks and food

If you smoked marijuana four days ago but you sweat a lot and drink energy drinks will you be clean for a drug test?

No you will not be. Marijuana will stay in the blood stream for about a week to 5 days then it will fade away

Why does your perspiration taste salty?

because there is Salt in your sweat... which is why you are suppossed to drink electrolyte drinks after you workout... to replace the sweat and other stuff you lose.