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Q: What happens when your heart cells move in a different pattern?
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How is the DNA in your brain cells different from the DNA in your heart cells?

They use different DNA codes

Why are there different types of cells?

Because different types of cell have different functions. For example, hand cells and eye cells are different because you don't need hand to see and you don't need eyes to grab something(and move around the fingers). Or you don't need heart cells in your brain or thinking cells(or neurons) in your heart. Well to some extent, you do have soe brain cells in heart but not the main function cells. Jesse

Why can liver cells create enzyme and heart cells cannot?

because the liver cell uses different genes than the heart cells use

How are cells in heart tissue different from cells in bone tissue?

The bone tissue gets you to stop bleeding if you got heart the heart tissue keeps your heart from getting hurt

Structures different between white blood cells and red blood cells?

In the heart.

Why are there different cell types?

Because different types of cell have different functions. For example, hand cells and eye cells are different because you don't need hand to see and you don't need eyes to grab something(and move around the fingers). Or you don't need heart cells in your brain or thinking cells(or neurons) in your heart. Well to some extent, you do have soe brain cells in heart but not the main function cells. Jesse

How does a heart attack affect the cells?

A myocardial infraction (MI) also called a heart attack, causes the cells of the heart to begin to die. It also depends on where this happens. If it is in a very large artery, more damage is done.

What do you think researchers discovered in the mitochondrial DNA taken from the heart cells of older adults?

There are more mitochondria in cells that need a lot of energy, such as heart muscle cells. Some researchers are studying mitochondrial DNA in the heart cells of different age groups.

What happens in ARVC?

With ARVC, heart muscle cells become disorganized and damaged and are replaced by fatty tissues

Are heart and liver cells the same?

No, they are very different. The cells that make up the liver need to perform a different job from the heart.

When red blood cells increase what happens?

Heart attack is also commonly cause due to increase in rbc

What cells are in the heart?

Sperm Cells. Haha Then Your Heart Has A Baby Heart . And Then You Have A Heart Family Inside Of You! .