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It can cause people to feel insecure about other people and themselves. People can be left with mental and physical trauma for the rest of their lives; bullying can cause many issues in that person's life, especially if they are young; it is the direct or main cause of many youth suicides and other tragedies. There are many other effects it has on its victims. In sum, bullying is extremely harmful to others in every way.

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Q: What harm does bullying do to others?
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What harm do you think bullying does to others?

it ruins lives and in some cases ends them when victims can't live any longer with it.

What is verbal and non verbal bullying?

Verbal bullying is defined as the use of language to insult or tease others. While verbal bullying does not cause bodily harm, the effects are long lasting and very damaging. Non verbal bullying is defined as actions that are intended to insult or tease another. Some examples of non verbal bullying are: making rude signs towards someone, purposely leaving them out of games, graffiti, and other things. Like verbal bullying, while non verbal bullying may not cause bodily harm, the effects are long lasting a very damaging.

What is intimidation bullying?

Intimidation bullying is where the bully wants you to be afraid of them. They can achieve this by threatning to hurt you or do something to harm you physically

What does bullying show about the respect for others?

Bullying actually shows a LACK of respect for others. Bullying violates and demeans the victim in many ways, which is not something a person that respected others would want to do.

How does bullying look like?

Bullying is when a person or group repeatedly tries to harm someone who is weaker. Sometimes it involves direct attacks such as hitting, name calling, teasing or taunting. Sometimes it is indirect, such as spreading rumors or trying to make others reject someone.

What harm can result from bullying?

its come to life threating health problems

Who researches bullying?

People who researches bullying do it for the information they do not have a name for what it is for example I research bullying but i do it for the information to educate others

What isn't bullying?

pulling faces, standing on each others toe is'nt bullying

How is bullying the same as cuber bullying?

Cyber bullying is when you are being harassed, tormented, threatened, or humiliated on the internet or any other social technology.

What can happen to people when bullying occurs?

When kids are cyber-bullied a few things may happen. They might commit suicide. Others will vent by bullying others. Many kids won't tell an adult and will let the bullying disturb their life.

Who is the greatest contributor to the bullying problem?

In my opinion it is indifferent parents that don't care if their kid is bullying others (and in many cases blame the victims of the bullying for bringing it on themselves).

How can you pursue peace?

Do no harm, and encourage others to do no harm.