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Q: What has all four types of teeth and eats plants and animals?
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What types of plants or animals does a horse eat?

A horse eats grass or hay and no animals.

What is an organism that eats plants and animals?

OmnivoresomnivoreSomething that eats both plants and animals is called an omnivore.Something that eats both plants and animals is called an omnivore.

Who are animals thay have a flat teeth?

Most animals that have both flat and pointed teeth are omnivorous, ie; they eat both meat and vegetable matter. However, in some cases the animal may be in the process of evolving into a herbivore (which eats only plants) but still has pointed teeth (such as the panda, which has bear-like teeth but eats only bamboo) or the gorilla (which has both pointed and flat teeth but eats only plants). Despite their teeth, both of these animals have digestive systems suited to consuming only plant matter.

What animal eats plants and animals?

An omnivore eats plants and animals, eg, humans

Is eel a omnivorous?

Yes,it is.It eats animals smaller than it and some types of plants.

Is an eel a omnivore?

Yes,it is.It eats animals smaller than it and some types of plants.

What do omnivorces eat?

Omnivore - eats both plants and animals Carnivore - eats only animals Herbivore - eats only plants

What are the differences between carnivorous and vegetarian animals?

Carnivorous- eats meat Herbivore- eats plants Omnivore- eats both plants and animals

What is a aniamal that eats plants and aniamals?

If it only eats plants it is a Herbivore If it eats both plants and plant eating animals it is an omnivore If it eats only animals and does not eat plants it is a carnivore

What bird is a herbivore?

It depends on the bird the bird can be a: carnivore- eats other animals insectivore- eats insects herbivore- eats plants omnivore- eats plants/animals/insects

What is a animal that eats plants called?


Does a herbivore eat plant and animals?

No. It only eats plants.