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Prions, and the symptoms that occur when a sheep and cow get this disease: it affects their normal brain function, and they behave abnormally until they suddenly up and die.

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Q: What has been linked to certain diseases such as scrapie and mad cow?
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What two incomplete viruses have been linked to certain diseases such as scrapie and mad cow?

there are none

What incomplete viruses have been linked to diseases like scrapie and mad cow?


What are the incomplete viruses called that have been linked to certain diseases such as scrapie and mad cow?

Mad Cow Disease and Scrapie are NOT caused by incomplete viruses or any virus of any sort. They are caused by PRIONS, which are misfolded proteins much tinier than any virus, complete or not. If such disease were caused by viruses they would easily be cured by an antibiotic, but since they are not caused by bacteria or a virus, such vaccines cannot be made because there is nothing for such a vaccine to target.

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To the best of my knowledge, consumption of sheep brains has not been linked to the development of vCJD in humans. However, because sheep have a prion-based central nervous system disease (scrapie) that is similar to BSE, the manufacture and sale of sheep brains has been strictly limited and almost ended.

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