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The FDA has only approved gabapentin for managing epilepsy and treating nerve pain associated with herpes infections.

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Gabapentin has been approved to treat seizures, nerve pain caused by shingles (postherpetic neuralgia), and certain types of nerve pain (neuropathic pain) associated with Diabetes. It is also used off-label for other conditions like anxiety, restless leg syndrome, and migraines.

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Q: What has gabapentin been approved to treat?
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Does gabapentin good arthritis?

According to the website in the associated link below (How to Treat Arthritis Pain With Neurontin or Gabapentin) it does

Is gabapentin used to treat ADHD?

No sweetie, it isn't. Talk to your Doctor about it. Take care.

Is gabapentine an opiate?

No. Gabapentin is a medication classed as an AED (antiepileptic drug) but for which other uses have been found. It can treat neuropathic pain, and certain types of headaches, for instance.

Can you take leflunomide and gabapentin together?

Gabapentin, also known as Neurontin, is a drug that was originally used to treat epilepsy. It is now also used to treat neuropathic pain and seizures. Since it can have several adverse effects including suicidal thoughts, dizziness, weight gain, and edema, only a doctor can inform a patient if gabapentin can be used with methadone or not.

Does gabapentin have opioids in it?

Gabapentin does not have opiates in it. It is a separate small molecule. There have been many cases of Gabapentin in race horses. Wiki it then wiki oxymorphone and compare structures

Is Gabapentin a maoi?

Monoamine oxidase inhibitors, or MAOIs, are a class of drug that was one of the first used to treat depression. Gabapentin is a drug used to seizures and diabetic nerve pain. Gabapentin is not an MAOI.

Will taking gabapentin cause you to have shingles?

Gabapentin is a medication that treats pain caused by shingles. Shingles is the reason you have been prescribed the medication.

Has been approved or have been approved?

It depends on the context. For example, You could say " I have been approved to be a banana." It wouldn't make sense if you said "I has been approved." And you could only say has in " It has been approved to be a banana." saying " It have been approved to be a banana." just wouldn't make sense.

Gabapentin gel used for?

It can be used to treat neuropathic pain occurring in the legs and feet due to diabetic neuropathy. It can also be used to treat carpel tunnel syndrome.

Can you take gabapentin and lyrica at the same time?

Gabapentin is a drug that is used to treat epilepsy while Lorazepam is generally prescribed to treat anxiety disorders. It is uncertain whether or not you can take these drugs together. Although no clinical interactions have been found with these drugs combined, that is not to say that interactions do not exist. It would be best to check with your medical practitioner first.

How effective is Gabapentin in treating bipolar mood disorder?

Gabapentin is primarily a seizure drug, which can also be used to treat neuropathic pain and vasomotor symptoms. Gabapentin could help ease these symptoms if they occur as part of bipolar disorder. However, it is not primarily a bipolar drug and will not stabilize moods like lithium or antidepressants.

Does Gabapentin cause Alzheimer's?

No, it doesn't. Nobody is certain what causes the disease, but it's not Gabapentin because that medication hasn't been around for as long as the disease has.