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salamanders have both

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Fabiola Kshlerin

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2y ago
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14y ago

There are a number of fish that have both gills, the most widely recognized are the Lungfish.

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A mythical lizard creature...

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Q: What has lung to breath on land and gills to breath in water?
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Why do fish do not breath above the water?

fish do not have lung like us. Their gills are designed to extract oxygen from water, and not from air.

Why can't fish breathe?

They can -- they have gills and have a diffferent lung system they breath in the oxygen from water and need the nutrients in water to survive.

What do fish use their gills for?

Because they are underwater. They have to get oxygen that is dissolved in the water instead of that available in the air. Fish have an air bladder which controls their buoyancy. Some fish can use it as a lung. When they swim in the water they use their gills. When they are on land, they use their lung.

Does a starfish breath with lungs or get oxygen from gills?

star fish using lung to breath

Why do fish die on land?

The fish hasgills that they use to filter from the water the oxygen they need to as you say "breath" ,so when you put them on land there gills are not working anymore by filtering the water for oxygen because there is no water it's as you know just air (oxygen) so there gills are still trying to work but there is no water to filter oxygen for them.

Does a perch have a lung and gills?

No, they have gills to extract oxygen from water. and since they do that i do believe that they stay on the bottom or reef of the ocean or wherever they live!

Do frogs have lungs or rely completely on cutaneous respiration?

Fully developed frogs will have lungs. During the tadpole stage they can breath under water. Good luck. frog's do have lung's because they are called amphibian's for a reason cause they can live in water and on land but during the tadpole stage they have gills like a fish which mean's they take the oxegyn out of the water .

How is the oxygen taken in by the lungs of a mammal different from the oxygen taken in by the gills of a fish?

the gills of a fish take in oxygen in water while the human lung take in oxygen in the air. I think...

Why do water animals need air to breathe?

no,there is no animal that can breath air and water. Shadystraz says: Actually "Crabs" are capable of breathing underwater as well as on land. Also "Australian Lung Fish" are capable of Breathing on Land as well as Underwater by opening and closing certain Gills.

Do sea turtles have lungs and gills?

This is actually a hard question to answer. Because Turtles can actually diffuse oxygen from the water with what is commonly referred to as Bum Gills. They aren't actually gills, but have the similar function.

Do dolphins breath with lungs or gills?

Dolphins breathe with lungs. Because they have a blowhole on top of them.Dolphins are mammals and like other mammals they have lungs. They must come up for air periodically.with lungs or gills

How do the water spider breath?

All insects breathe through spiracles, except for insects that live in the water. A water stick insect breathes through an air tube.