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It is testable and falsifiable

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Q: What has to be true for a hypothesis to be used in science?
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Related questions

Does true science start with a conclusion?

True science starts with observation and hypothesis. Starting with a conclusion often leads to poor science.

When are hypothesis supported in science?

Hypothesis are theories which are yet to be proven. They are proven when they are proved to be true as in experiments.

What is a hypothesis formed from?

A hypothesis is formed from a question. this question is most likely to get scientists debating on weather it is true or not, and this is where the hypothesis comes from. a hypothosis can either be true or false. you will use a hypothesis in science for your G.C.S.E and sometimes in mathematics.

In science can a hypothesis be accepted as true after one test?

Yes, that is the entire point of an experiment. To validate or discard a hypothesis.

How is a hypothesis used in science?

A hypothesis is an "educated guess". An example of how it could be used: John needed to test his hypothesis about molecular degenaration.

What does develop a hypothesis mean in science?

A hypothesis is an attempt to explain a phenomenon, based on partial information. Developing a hypothesis is finding a method for testing it: identifying something which is more likely to happen if the hypothesis were true and not if it were not. The next part of developing it is to design an experiment which can be used to test these outcomes.

In science a hypothesis must be true?

No. A hypothesis is just a a potential explanation or relationship that must be tested and then either verified, dismissed, or modified.

What chemistry experiment can be used in an hypothesis?

i need an answer for an hypothesis on a colorful chemistry creation on a science project

Does a hypothesis have to be true?

No. In fact, in statistics, an hypothesis is a statement whose truth is to be tested. In science, an hypothesis is a way of summarising a body of information that is capable of being shown to be false.

Why is it impossible to ever prove that hypothesis is true?

Most science uses indutive reasoning

A testable prediction used to solve science problems is a?


What is the relationship between hypothesizing and experimenting in science?

you experiment to test the hypothesis and see if what you predicted was true or not