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Me? I've photocopied a few things, made a mix CD or two, and watched a television program not available in my country via a clearly illegal stream.

Copyright infringement is like speeding: it happens so much, you hardly even notice it...but that doesn't make it right.

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Q: What have you done that has violated copyright laws?
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What do I do when someone has violated copyright laws on YouTube?

If you are the copyright holder, simply fill out the complaint form (link below) and YouTube will work with you to address the issue. If you aren't, you may wish to alert the copyright holder.

What happens if copyright is violated?

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I wrote a portion of my employer's book and did not receive credit Did my employer violate any copyright or plagiarism laws?

There are no plagiarism "laws". COpyright law gives a "for hire" author no rights to the work done for that hire.

Why did the Nintendo company confiscated Pokemon crater?

Because it violated copyright, I assume.

What does a copywright lawyer do?

A copyright lawyer it a layer who specializes in copyright laws and intellectual property laws. They handle cases concerning copyright infrsingement.

What laws prevent people from claiming the word of others as their own?

Plagarism or copyright Laws!

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Where to download Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2 in Hindi?

Downloading is in the USA recognized as illegal, because copyright laws are violated. You should buy the movie at your local store and ask for the Hindi version.

Drugs that have copyright protection?

Drugs and other pharmaceuticals are protected under the patent laws not under the copyright laws.

What are the penalties for violating marriage laws?

It depends on where you live and what laws have been violated.

When does an individual break copyright laws?

Copying, altering, distributing, or performing/displaying a work for which you are not the copyright holder, and for which you do not have permission from the rightsholder or an exemption in the law, is a violation of copyright laws.