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Q: What healing action is taking place in the wound becomes inflamed?
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What healing action is taking place when a wound becomes inflamed?

Phagocytes are destroying pathogens

What healing is taking place when a wound becomes inflamed?

Phagocytes are destroying pathogens

Is walk a verb or noun?

It can be both! Used in the sense of “to walk”, or a person “walking”, it is a verb because it is an action. However, when you say you are taking “A“ walk, walk becomes a thing, or a noun, and not an action.

What is initiating action?

Initiating action would the beginning of taking action or doing something.

What can you use for hands cramping while taking steroid?

Try taking some ordinary mineral supplements available just about anywhere. However if your hands are inflamed and not actually cramping you may be stuck with it.

Why does religion involve taking action?

A:Religion involves taking action to worship, because without this there is no religion. In this respect, belief requires action. Religion can involve taking action to help the poor and needy, either by prayer, financial assistance or giving of one's time.Religion does not involve taking action outside the law or against the spirit of the law, nor should it involve action to harrass or persecute those whose beliefs or actions differ from those of others.

What is the reason they taking this action?

so they can live

What is the function of a dielectric?

The function of a dielectric is to be the support between to conductive components. It has nothing to do with the action taking place, but buffers the area in which the action is taking place.

What is the difference between preventing and healing the patient?

Preventing means taking precautions to avoid getting the illness. Healing on the other hand means treating the illness after someone gets sick.

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In this paragraph what time of day is the action taking place?

To this question, in this paragraph, what time of day is the action taking place, it is. For further explanation, please visit prepositionland.

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risk taking