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There are a number of healthy toppings you can put on a Pizza. Fresh vegetables are an excellent choise. Opt for a lean meat such as sliced grilled chicken. To reduce fat and calories select a mozarella made with skim or low-fat milk.

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Q: What healthy toppings can I put on a homemade pizza?
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How do you lower the fat on your pizza toppings?

You put less on

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What variable can affect the taste of pizza?

the kind of toppings you put on the pizza

Is pizza carbohydrates?

Yes, Pizza is a high carbohydrate food.

How can you make Pizza from slices of toast?

you put pizza sauce, cheese, and other pizza toppings on a peice of bread and then microwave it until the cheese is melted.

How many calories are in a calzone?

The amount of calories in a calzone would depend on what toppings you had put in it. You can have a variety of pizza toppings added to your calzone and that would change the calorie content.

What toppings does a calzone pizza have?

A calzone is not a specific type of pizza, it's a different (but closely related) dish. It can contain anything the person making it wants to put in. Essentially, a calzone is a pizza that's been "folded over" before baking. It therefore has "filling" rather than "toppings".

How do you create a homemade pizza?

It's pretty simple: * All you'll need is to buy a pizza base, shredded cheese and any topping you like (e.g capsicum, bacon etc.) 1. Turn the oven on to 180 degrees. (Celsius, maybe; I use 350 degrees Fahrenheit) 2. get your base, the first thing you put on the pizza base HAS to be the cheese. Make sure you put plenty! 3. put all your toppings on one by one . 4. Lastly sprinkle with shredded cheese. (this is to keep the toppings in place when you finished cooking. 5. Place it in the oven and cook for around 15 minutes. 6. Take out, cool and enjoy! (Chef Boyardee makes a 'kit', but I prefer to buy a frozen one and then add my own toppings)

Why is homemade pizza better for you?

It is better for you because if you make it than you know what you put on/ inside of the pizza. So than you don't have any doughts about other things being in your pizza.

How do you cook pizza on George Foreman grill?

I would recommend you put it on a cookie sheet with tinfoil and cook until the toppings are cooked and the crust is golden brown

Is pizza fat for you?

Pizza as such don't make you fat. It's regularly eating more calories than you use up that make you fat. The trouble with pizza is that it's so high in calories, that it's really easy to overeat. If you have a pizza and a soda, you have pretty much filled your whole daily allowance just there, leaving next to nothing for the other meals.

I made homemade pizza sauce and it came out too salty. What can I put in to take salty taste away?

add ketchup... u'll see...