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Oxygen Debt- A cumulative deficit of oxygen resulting from intense exercise; the deficit must be made up when the body returns to rest.

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Q: What heavy exercise the buildup of lactic acid in muscle cells results?
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Related questions

What causes the muscle sorness during exercise?

A buildup in lactic acid is the culprit. This buildup only occurs when anaerobic exercise, such as sprinting and weight lifting, is performed.

What does a buildup of lactic acid do to the pH of muscle cells?

You think probable to lactic acidosis.

During heavy exercise the build up of lactic acid in muscle cells results in what?

An oxygen debt.

Muscle fatigue in human results from the overproduction and accumulation?

Muscle fatigue in human results from the overproduction and accumulation of lactic acid. It is usually produced in the muscle tissues during strenuous exercise.

What happens if enough glucose doesn't reach the muscle during exercise?

the muscles produce lactic acid which then relieves the muscles but it results in muscle cramps

Why does muscle tissue break down during exercise?

A+students - lactic acid lactic acid buildup. the harder you workout the more lactic acid is built up. the body can't keep up with this production and will "tire" out

Muscle fatigue is caused by a buildup of?

Muscle fatigue is caused by an accumulation of lactic acid in muscles.

When would your muscles produce lactic acid?

The muscles build lactic acid when you're doing strenuous exercise.

Why do hamstrings become sore?

Lactic Acid forms in the muscles as a metabolic by-product of intense muscle use. The resultant lactic acid (CO2 Buildup) in the muscle causes a delayed onset muscle stiffness/soreness.

Why is lactic acid harmful?

No, it is not. It's a normal biproduct of anaerobic respiration. After physical exercise the liver converts the lactic acid back to pyruvate which allows it to continue with cellular respiration.

What do fermentation and lactic acid have in common?

Both occur anaerobically, or with exercise, but lactic acid occurs in muscles (you know that burning sensation after muscle fatigue? It's from lactic acid buildup in muscles) and alcoholic fermentation occurs by yeast. So basically, the main thing that they have in common is just that they occur anaerobically.

What substance causes muscle fatigue?

Lactic acid that builds up in the muscle cells