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no matter how high you drop the feather, it cannot kill you. because it too light, it can only go so fast but wont go any faster once it reach it terminal velocity.

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Q: What height does a feather have to fall from to kill you?
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Which falls faster a quarter or feather?

the feather falls faster. The quarter falls faster if the height is very tall. When the hight is about a foot or so the feather falls faster. Try it for yourself :)

In the absence of air a penny and a feather that are dropped from the same height at the same time will fall at which speeds relative to each other?

Relative to each other . . . zero speed.Relative to you watching them fall . . . equalspeeds.

Can a Feather kill a human?

A feather can kill a human only if it gets stuck in the trachea (wind pipe).

What falls faster when dropped on the moon a hammer or a feather?

If they are dropped from the same height, they will fall at equal velocities because there is no air resistance and their accelerations by gravity are equal.

On the Moon if a basketball and a feather are dropped from the same height about the ground which one hits first?

both reaches the ground at the same time because in the moon there occurs free fall.

How do falling objects behave?

Falling objects behave in such a way that heavier objects will fall faster than the lighter ones. Try to drop a stone and a feather from the same height and at the same time, the stone will fall to the ground first.

Can a quarter and a feather fall at the same speed?

theoritically yes. if they are placed in a vacuum packed room with no air, just empty space, they can fall at the same rate. if they fell in air, the aerodynamics wouldn't equal out, so the quarter would fall faster.

A penny and a feather that are dropped from the same height at the same time will?

The penny will land first, because the feather displaces the air. That is also why a boat floats, it displaces enough water underneath it that the displaced water pushes up keeping the boat afloat.

Will a stone and a feather fall with the same speed if there were no air?

both will fall at the same time

Can you kill to get a light feather in wow?

try to find out...:)

Why would a feather and an elephant fall at the same time in a vacuum?

Because a feather has more air resistance, it normally falls slower, but in a vacuum, there is not air resistance so they fall at the same rate. Think of it as a feather and an elephant falling in space.

If every object has the same acceleration why does a leaf fall slower than a rock?

air resistance, on the moon they did an experiment where they dropped a hammer and a feather at the same height and time and they hit the ground at the same time