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Q: What helped citizens of the Middle Ages understand democracy?
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What were two key reforms that helped the growth of the democracy in Athens?

There's direct democracy, which is a political system in which citizens participate directly in government decision making; then there's representative democracy, in which the citizens elect others to represent them In government

How did the citizens of Athens gain power?

Politics because they had democracy in Athens~i hoped this helped you

What was democracy in Ancient Greece?

A democracy is a type of government that we Americans use today. Democracy means "rule by the people" . In other words, meaning the citizens of ancient Greece had the freedom to vote or to have many other rights in their city-state. Athens used democracy. Hoped this helped! :)

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What two changes helped develop a strong social foundation for political democracy?

The expansion of voting rights to include all adult citizens and the promotion of a free press were two key changes that helped develop a strong social foundation for political democracy. By allowing more people to participate in the democratic process and ensuring access to diverse sources of information and perspectives, these changes empowered citizens to make informed decisions and hold their leaders accountable.

How did greek city state apply democracy how did they limit democracy?

they helped each other

How did Greek city-states apply democracy how did they limit democracy?

they helped each other

What is the purpose of Democracy and how is it structured?

Well i know 3 types of democracies. 1 would be a direct democracy. This is when citizens discuss problems and directly vote on that particullar problem. this is a long process. 2 would be a representative democracy. this is when citizens vote on someone to make our laws; like the US. 3 would be a constitutional democracy. This is a government under law in wich coalition and majority rul is balanced by minority and individual rights. Also in wich most rights are balanced by responcibilities including the responcibility of each citizen to study the way of how this typpe of democracy works. I hope this helped this is all i know on democracies. If i remember correctly ancient Greece started a direct democracy in wich ONLY citizens could vote. This spread over time across the world. sorry if this was too long

How do you use the word direct democracy in a sentence?

here's how to do it i like the word direct democracy i hope this helped

What statement accurately describes how a historical society influenced the development of democracy?

The historical society influenced the development of democracy by championing principles such as equality, representation, and the rule of law. By advocating for the rights of individuals and promoting fair governance, the historical society helped shape democratic values and institutions.

Who helped through his ideas to understand in the understanding society?

Gandhiji helped through his ideas to understand in the understanding society.

What is direct and indirect democracy?

Direct democracy is a system where citizens make decisions directly on issues, often through voting or participation in meetings. Indirect democracy, also known as representative democracy, involves citizens electing representatives to make decisions on their behalf.