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It's a shield omitted from the north and returning to the south pole it consist of magnetisim..The name for it is the magnetosphere ,do a Google search on it, it's messed up right now! The atmosphere helps some, but not so much!

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There are several layers of protection against cosmic rays. The first is the "Heliopause", a bubble of gas and charged particles emitted by the Sun, which stretches out beyond the orbit of Neptune. The solar wind absorbs or attenuates much of the energy of cosmic rays.

Closer to Earth, the Earth's own magnetic field deflects them and the upper layer of the atmosphere, the "ionosphere", absorbs some of the remainder.

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What effect does the earths magnetic field have on the intensity of cosmic rays striking the earths surface?

The earth's magnetosphere acts as a shield to deflect harmful energies away.

The Earth's magnetic field helps protect living things from?

From solar radiation and cosmic rays

Why would the earth cease to exist without the earths magnetic field?

There are certain high-energy particles electrically charged particles that are emitted from the sun and travel toward our planet. These particles are called Cosmic Rays. If they were allowed to strike the earth, they would kill all life on the planet. However, the earth's magnetic field deflects the vast majority of these particles, keeping them from hitting the planet. If the magnetic field was too small, it would not deflect enough of these Cosmic Rays. If the field was too strong, it would deflect the cosmic rays, but it would cause a deadly magnetic storm that would make life impossible!

Are cosmic rays dangerous to earths inhabitants?

Cosmic rays can be extremely dangerous, and exposure to them can cause genetic mutations, cancer, radiation posion, and death. Luckily, life on Earth is largely protected from these harmful effects by the Earth's atmosphere (which stops all cosmic rays with energies below 1 GeV) and the Earth's magnetic field (which deflects cosmic rays).

Why are people on earth not affected by cosmic rays?

the atmosphere

Is it true that cosmic ray will appear today?

Cosmic rays are continuously present in space - regardless of what day (or year) it is. Luckily, we are protected from cosmic rays on the surface of the Earth by the Earth's atmosphere and magnetic field. A small amount of comic rays can still reach the Earth's surface - particularly at higher altitudes.

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What particles rain down continuously on the atmosphere of the Earth?

cosmic rays

What are secondary cosmic rays?

Secondary cosmic rays are the product of collisions with primary cosmic rays. Primary ones are the kind that arrive from space and hit earth - typically air molecules in the upper atmosphere, which creates (and transfers its energy to) other particles, often creating a shower ('air shower') of secondary particles, also of high energy. Even though these products are results of collisions from within the Earth's atmosphere, they are still referred to as cosmic rays, although given the name "Secondary" cosmic rays. Note that secondary cosmic rays' composition or relative composition can differ from the cosmic rays arriving from space; particularly as new particles like muons and pions can be generated.

Could gamma rays be blocked by the Earth's atmosphere?

Yes. Our atmosphere blocks cosmic and solar gamma rays.

What are cosmic primarily composed of?

Primary cosmic rays generally appear to be fully ionized nuclei of very massive atoms. Secondary cosmic rays are showers of various subatomic particles (e.g. muons) produced in collisions of primary cosmic rays with atomic nuclei of various gasses in earth's upper atmosphere.

Do stars effect earth?

A team at the Danish National Space Center has discovered how cosmic rays from exploding stars can help to make clouds in the atmosphere. The results support the theory that cosmic rays influence Earth's climate.