

Best Answer

You are thinking of the Horse latitudes.

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Q: What high-pressure areas lie at about 30 to 35 latitude both north and south of the equatore carry an animals name?
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What animals live in low latitude?

elks, buffalo,polar bears,penguins,.ect. most animals that live in antartica, you know, that you see on animal planet

What two areas share the same latitude?

The two areas that share the same latitude are land and sea.

What vegetation grows at low latitude?

Tropical vegetation and jungle grows at low latitude areas.

What are the low latitude areas near the equator?

The warm low-latitude areas near the equator are known as the tropics. These two lines are known as the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn.

What are lines of latitude and what do they measure?

The lines of latitude are the North and South lines on the globe. They measure the time changes there are in areas.

Why is there a difference in climate between areas at 0 latitude and areas at 45 latitude?

The climate is cooler at 45 degrees latitude compared to 0 degrees latitude because the Sun is shining at a different angle. At 0 degrees latitude, the Sun is shining directly overhead, and thus it receives highly-concentrated sun rays which heat up the Earth rapidly. However, at 45 degrees latitude, the Sun is shining at a slanted angle, which makes the sun rays spread over a larger area and warming the Earth at a slower rate.

What areas will have the largest yearly temperature range?

75° S latitude

Does gps work in the remote areas?

Sure! At least it will give latitude/longitude. Maps of such areas are unlikely though.

Do areas of high latitude receive indirect rays from the sun and have cooler temperatures?

yes, high latitude áreas = cold temperatures low latitude áreas = warm temperatures

What are high latitudes also called?

cool high latitude areas are called

Why are latitude and longitude necessary?

To locate different areas on the global map.(positions)

What factors moderate the average annual precipitation in local areas?

Latitude and altitude