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they would take people to the right path Islam

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Q: What if Muslims take over the world?
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Related questions

Do Muslims want to take over the world?

Muslims never think of taking over the world. Quran and prophet Muhammad teachings call for cooperation with all the peoples of the world for the spread of peace and benefits to mankind.

Where is the Islamic religion practiced?

Islam is practised all over the world by Muslims.

Where can you find Muslims?

You can find Muslims all over the world.Allover the world

What country did Muslims take over?


What European country did Muslims take over?


Where is Islam practiced most?

syria, Saudi Arabia and Egypt ___________________________________________________________ By Muslims all over the world

Where Muslims live?

Muslims live all over the world just as people of all other religions do

Why are Muslims protesting in Egypt?

Because of a video made in California Insulting the Muslims all over the world

Where do British Muslims live?

In Britain or all over the world.

Are most Muslims Arabs?

No, The Arab Muslims constitute only around 15% of World Muslims. Most Muslims are in Indonesia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and India.

What countries did muslims come from to perform hajj?

The Muslims from all over the world come to Mecca to perform Hajj.

Are Muslims located in the western part of Europe?

Yes there are Muslims all over the world, but there are a good number of Muslims in Western Europe, but it is not a major religion.